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Audit gives county high marks; fund balance at $28 million

Henderson County got a clean bill of health financially, county officials say, and it enters 2013 with a hefty fund balance.

The annual audit of the county books by Martin Starnes and Associates gave the county "an unqualified opinion," the highest rating given in an independent audit.
The audit examined the county's planning and risk assessment, interim and final procedures and year-round processes.
The audit confirmed numbers that county Finance Director Carey McLelland had reported to the Board of Commissioners several weeks ago. Expenditures of $104.5 million came in under budget by $4.97 million and revenue of $106.78 million exceeded budget by $2.23 million — creating a net gain of $7.2 million.
In its 2012-13 budget the Board of Commissioners spent $4.9 million of the county's fund balance and ended the 2011-12 budget year with a net gain of $2.29 million.
The county's total fund balance stands at $28 million, which is $15.5 million greater than the 12 percent minimum set by board policy.