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Nonprofit organization to discuss news

The public is invited to join the nonprofit news organization Carolina Public Press for a free public meeting in Hendersonville to discuss in-depth and investigative news across Western North Carolina — especially the people, places and issues going overlooked and underreported in Henderson County.

The meeting will be held Thursday, March 26, from 12:30-1:30 p.m. at Black Bear Coffee, 318 N. Main Street, in downtown Hendersonville.

The meeting is one of 18 News Exchange meetings Carolina Public Press will hold across Western North Carolina in 2015. During the meetings organizations reporters and editors will ask what needs an investigative reporter to ask more questions, what's the future of independent media and high-quality news and what does that mean for our communities? It is also an opportunity for readers, donors, volunteers and content-sharing partners across the county to get to know Carolina Public Press and its unique model of journalism. Carolina Public Press is the region's only nonprofit online journalism service providing the 18 westernmost counties of the state with unbiased, in-depth and investigative reporting as well as educational opportunities to journalists, students and others.

In 2014, the organization held News Exchanges in Avery, Buncombe, Cherokee, Graham, Mitchell, Swain, Watauga, and Yancey counties, with participants including residents, academics, community leaders and local community newspaper reporters and editors. Those News Exchanges prompted the organization to launch its WNC Transportation series, offering transportation-related resources in every WNC county. They also have prompted long-term reporting projects, and journalists with the organization are now pursuing several ideas prompted by the exchanges.

To RSVP or gather more information on the News Exchanges, visit or contact Executive Director Angie Newsome at or by phone at 828-279-0949.