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PARK GLANCE: Berkeley Park

Berkeley Park

Size: 60 acres, donated to the city of Hendersonville by Kimberly Clark Corp. in 2009. The park contains the historic Berkeley Park stadium.
Status: The Hendersonville City Council reviewed a proposed master plan in December that includes a soccer complex with restrooms and 94 parking spaces, a destination playground and picnic area, a memorial tree garden that would honor significant figures in city history, an amphitheater seating 300 with a covered stage, trails of nine-tenths mile, a half mile and 1.6 mile, an Oklawaha Greenway connector trail, a dog park, a lakeside picnic area, a youth mountain bike trail and a youth mountain bike skills park. The council endorsed the plans in concept.
Cost: The city's park consultants, Wirth & Associates of Charlotte, will bring back cost projections. The city allocated $50,000 in the current budget for park development.