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Former GOP chair endorses Baldwin for Senate

Calling her a "dependable fiscal and social conservative and strict Constitutionalist," Mike Scruggs, chairman of the  Henderson County Republican Party from 2011 to 2013, has endorsed Lisa Carpenter Baldwin for the Republican nomination for the 48th Senate District seat that seven-term incumbent Tom Apodaca is vacating after his current term.

"Lisa Carpenter Baldwin has been a hard-working active Republican and is a dependable fiscal and social conservative and strict Constitutionalist," Scruggs writes. "She is strongly pro-life and a defender of our Second Amendment gun rights.

"As a mother of four children, she believes in and supports strong Biblical and family values. She wants to replace Common Core educational standards with our own rigorous academic standards to give North Carolina's children a firm foundation to build their future. Like most parents, she wants North Carolina to nourish a growing economy with strong growth in jobs and opportunity.

"She is a strong supporter of public safety and will insist that North Carolina's existing immigration laws be enforced rather than ignored. She will not be beholden to any special interests and will insist that the common good of all the people should be the guiding principle of North Carolina public service.

"Lisa Baldwin is a very bright, persistent, and courageous lady. Her four years on the Buncombe School Board proved her to be a relentless and often hard-fighting advocate for sound academic and administrative policies. She has many accomplishments, and In 2012 received the John Locke Foundation's James K. Polk Award for leadership in public service."

Baldwin has an undergraduate degree from UNC Greensboro and has a masters in economics from the University of Maryland and has served as an economist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture.