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Don't miss this week's Hendersonville Lightning (195)

You won't want to miss this week's Hendersonville Lightning, on the street now. It's a 72-page issue filled with all local information, news and people.

You'll find out what new or expanded restaurants are coming to downtown Hendersonville, read about a ceremony in Laurel Park honoring Hubert M. Smith, who died in the closing days of World War I 100 years ago and read about a new streetscape design the city proposes for the Historic Seventh Avenue District.

In our fifth annual Season of Giving section, you'll read what nonprofit leaders say are the best practices for volunteers and board service, meet 10 volunteers and see the dozens of volunteer opportunities at nonprofit organizations and city and county advisory boards. If you're not already a subscriber — why would you not be? If you're not yet a subscriber or regular single-copy buyer, better get your copy now because it's only in print and only in the Lighting!