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We've refilled newsracks with special Graduation issue

Copies of this week's Lightning celebrating the Class of 2020 are flying out of the newsracks but luckily we have refilled many racks.


Outside racks refilled Thursday with plenty of copies are at:

Ingles at Asheville Highway, Spartanburg Highway at Greenville Highway and Spartanburg Highway at Highland Lake Road.

Lightning office, 1111 Asheville Highway.

BP Station/Burger King, Spartanburg Highway

East Flat Rock Post Office.

There are also plenty of copies in the inside newsstand at Publix.

A partnership of the Hendersonville Lightning and Henderson County Public Schools, the 40-page special section on bright white heavy paper contains individual photos of graduating seniors of East Henderson, North Henderson, West Henderson and Hendersonville high schools, the Career Academy and the Early College. It also features a message from schools Superintendent Bo Caldwell, Congratulations Graduate! tributes from parents, grandparents and friends and sponsorships from our corporate and nonprofit partners.