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Here's how to view funeral service for Deputy Hendrix

A funeral service at 2 p.m. Friday at Mud Creek Baptist Church for Ryan Phillip Hendrix will be for law enforcement officers, first responders and family members only but can be viewed on Facebook or at the sanctuary of First Baptist Church, the sheriff's office announced.


Visitation for the public to pay their respects to the Ryan’s family will be from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at Mud Creek Church, 403 Rutledge Drive For the public wishing to view the funeral service, the funeral will be live streamed on the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page and at First Baptist Church sanctuary, 312 Fifth Avenue W. The graveside service at Forest Lawn Cemetery will be open to the public.The cemetery is at 538 Tracy Grove Road.

The procession carrying Deputy Hendrix will leave the Mud Creek Church traveling Rutledge Drive to Greenville Highway. It will travel to South Main Street in Hendersonville and turn right on Barnwell Street. From Barnwell Street it will turn left on Grove Street. The procession will travel on Grove Street to U.S. 64, turning right and traveling to Dana Road. After turning right on Dana Road, the procession turns right on Tracy Grove Road, then turns right into Forest Lawn Cemetery. 

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Click here to donate to a fund for the children and family of Ryan Hendrix.